Marion Woodman & The Conscious Feminine
DVD Series
Several years ago there was a conspicuous absence of audio-visual interviews with Marion Woodman, and so Marlene Schiwy and Lael McCall traveled to Ontario for extensive filmed conversations with her.
Marion Woodman and the Conscious Feminine is a set of six DVDs with a running time of 9 hours and 32 minutes. It covers a wide variety of topics, including Marion's childhood and family life, the Death Mother and Death Father archetypes, the importance of dreams and some of the big dreams that have shaped Marion’s destiny, the importance of her journal through the years, the spiritual meaning of addiction, Virgin and Crone, creativity as a healing force, and Marion’s own analyses with Dr. Bennet and Miss Hannah. There is also a one hour interview with both Marion and Ross Woodman, and another hour with Marion and Marlene together on screen. The conversations are presented much as we captured them in 2005 and 2006. They have been edited only for continuity and clarity, and to avoid repetition.
For more information, visit https://www.marleneschiwy.com/marion-woodman-dvd-series
To order your copy, send an email to princip@shaw.ca