Sophia’s Sparks: an Introduction
This eleven part course explores in depth the 10 spheres of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and work with its correspondences linking Cosmos (Astrology), Psyche (Dreams), and Matter (Alchemy). Inviting dreams and engaging through art, ritual, music, movement and discussion, we form an interactive healing community and create a Temenos in these times of immense personal and collective Transformation.
Drawing from the wisdom of C.G. Jung and Marion Woodman and others as well as ourselves, we will make the journey together to embody the Spirit of Wisdom, Sophia, as she awakens in ourselves and the world we inhabit.
This course is imparted via Zoom and can be taken from anywhere in the world.
This course can be taken as Part II of The Mystic Fool / A Fool’s Odyssey or it can be taken on its own.
At this Kairos moment of the great epoch shift into the Age of Aquarius, we find ourselves in the throes of a birth canal of unprecedented expanse. It is a time of both danger and opportunity in every area of life as the planet and all her inhabitants hang on a precipice between life and death. The call to reclaim the Self in service to life is echoed throughout the World. This is a call to join together in community to rekindle the sparks of the Feminine Soul so long exiled from our world. In engaging in the study of the Gnostic Sophia (Wisdom), we are initiated into new pathways in our unique Individuation journeys. Descending through the Tree of Life through the sacred vessels (Sephiroth), we enter into a study of the alchemical processes inherent to the Soul’s journey to reclaim ourselves as stewards in service to healing both in our personal and our collective selves. In this 22 week interactive journey we study the spheres of the Hermetic Tree of Life and their correspondences in Astrology, Alchemy, Tarot and through imaginative inquiry, we link Cosmos, Psyche, and Matter for the return of the Living Sophia in the World Soul, the Anima Mundi.